Tag: Essential Advice

May 21, 2023
Using Quotations
Quotations can add a lot to a book. In novels, quotes can add a layer of...

copyright information

August 10, 2021
Copyright Information
One common concern among writers is the issue of copyright; both how to protect their own...

Setting up a book club, The Literary Professionals

February 23, 2018
Setting Up a Book Club
Book clubs are everywhere, and growing in popularity all the time. Here’s my guide to setting...

Writing competitions at Listowel Writers' Week

February 17, 2017
Listowel Writers’ Week Competitions
Writing competitions at Listowel Writers' Week 2017. Visit www.writersweek.ie/competitions for all the details....

Emma Walsh - The Literary Professionals

February 7, 2017
Emma Walsh
Emma Walsh has worked in the industry for 20 years in many guises, including as a...

Websites for writers

August 10, 2015
Writing Websites
There are a gazillion brilliant sites full of incredibly useful information about writing and the publishing...

Books for Writers from TLP

September 17, 2014
Books for Writers
It's not easy, writing. Who said it was? It's definitely a skill that grows the more...

Writing exercises to help you become a better writer

September 17, 2014
Writing Exercises
Writing exercises are a great way to get started particularly if you're suffering from the dreaded...

Alt text

September 17, 2014
New Writers – Advice
As a literary expert I get asked all the time for advice for writers. Here's some...

September 17, 2014
The Submission… Dos & Donts
You’ve finished your book, the hard work is done. All you have to do now is...